Website Editor (CMS)

Best-in-class iGaming websites that are simple to edit are exclusively offered by iGaming Builders. The Standard Package and Premium Package include a bolt-on CMS with powerful editing capabilities and simplicity of use.

The intuitive website editor enables you to edit and update your website visually. You just type on the selected page to make edits and updates and start using the website editor with no training necessary. Simply open your website in a browser, click to the page you want to edit, and make the required edits and updates.

With the bolt-on CMS, you can edit your iGaming website with any internet enabled device in a safe and secure environment. It's simple to edit content, update game menus, embed videos, manage photo galleries, and more. Make edits and updates visually, then publish the changed pages back to your hosting servers with one click.

You can save work-in-progress and start-up later from that point, or edit previously saved page versions. For headers, footers, and other content shared by your website's pages, you can make changes on one page and all other website pages will update automatically.

Website Content Management Systems